First Enlightedment, Then The Dishes
27 June 2011My Own Worst Enemy
29 June 2011Last year on shoot for a Wimpy-Engen advert, in which I play a jovial fisherman, one of the crew commented to the director that I reminded him of the Indian dude on the tv show, Chuck. The director agreed and, for a short period, I was intrigued. According to them, it wasn’t so much the look as my performance that bore a resemblance. At that point, I’d never watched an episode of this show.
Today, that’s changed. I have watched and am now fairly hooked on Chuck. I’m probably a little subjective but I really wouldn’t jump to compare my general performance to the dim-witted character that Vik Sahay plays, even if he does do it very well. I’d be inclined to see myself more in the role of Zachery Levi’s character, lead role Chuck.
What’s your opinion, those of you who have seen my various humourous characters in action?
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