Got Patience?
22 April 2013Archetypical Expression Day 1: The Epic Combi Ride
1 May 2013
This year marks my second trip to the Afrikaburn 2013 festival, my first experience in the middle of nowhere having been so awe-fulled and exciting, there can be no option but to repeat it.
I’ve prepared to travel to Burn from last year when we acquired our tickets. Beyond that, and in true Jai style, no further planning was done until a couple of weeks before Burn. Elouise was suppose to come through but work obligations forced her to sell off her ticket to Catalina, a visitor from Argentina. I would wind up sharing El’s tent with Catalina.
With no idea how I’d actually get to and back from the Burn, notices for transport were placed and scanned on the Facebook and Forum pages. At one point, I had three options available, settling with my friend Dani and her group of friends riding in a combi.
If you haven’t heard of Afrikaburn, I recommend visiting the website at and reading my take on last year’s Burn in Middle of Nowhere. This year’s theme was Archetypes. Theoretically, I should have chosen costumes and fitted in around this theme but I’m far too lazy to do such preparation. Heck, I barely confirmed transport a week before!
My adventures of Burn are chronicled on a day-by-day basis in the articles that follow with the occasional collection of photos attached or linked to. Naturally, I welcome comments, especially if you were there. And if you weren’t, read on to find out why, next year, you should be.
The world is our playground, laden with opportunities to experience pretty much whatever we want to experience.
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