I’m Just a Dreamer
27 October 2013Oh to be a better me
29 October 2013I’m at the end of the third week of Project Me! Woot!
What can I say has come of this mission of self-indulgence? Well, apart from a lot of self-pity, I have also been forced to be aware of how much I wallow, how much support I actually have in my life, how much I have actually achieved despite my general thoughts to the contrary, and, in general, what I still need to work on.
Today, hanging out with Veronique, going through her newly acquired Louise Hay book, I, in jest, stated that I should be more better. With only a little bit of prodding, we got to see how much that simple statement ruled my thoughts. I still think that I’m not good enough and that I need to be a better version of me.
This comes down to a lot of self-worth issues, self-criticism, and not being fully authentic. In general, I am very true to myself. In terms of the people I hang out with, the work that I’ve pursued and the activities I engage in, I’m more authentic than most I would say. Yet, I’m not fully there. I am still holding back, scared of letting my full light shine, still scared of being rejected, a fear that has held sway over me from childhood. It was certainly an interesting insight and my current focus of, well, evolution 🙂
I subsequently came across this video that I think ties in well with this idea of authenticity. Enjoy.
“I love nothing more than a maniac, especially when that maniac decides to go fully rogue at a ballet recital in front of an audience of adoring parents, especially especially when that maniac is an adorable pre-schooler who I can only hope will one day be the model citizen for my own child.”
Amelia Diamond
The world is our playground, laden with opportunities to experience pretty much whatever we want to experience.
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