Why Do We Need A Decompression?
21 May 2018What’s in a name?
12 February 2021Guys! I found my lock down introspective insight topic to post about! ????
So, some of you may be aware that I have always been flexible with the labels that have been applied to me, but this morning I hit on the label that ultimately applies to me. I’m…wait for it….drum roll …. POLYEVERYTHING ! ????????
Allow me to elaborate.
From the obvious relationship and sexual side, I identify as polyamorous and polysexual (or bi-/pan-/omnisexual). On the gender scale, I’m gender-fluid or polygendered, if you will.
From the people side, I’m definitely polyfriendly, polysquadded, and polybestied ???? (which, it turns out, is a side-effect of being polyamorous).
I’m also polyresidential, polycareer, polyspiritual, polyculinary, polyfashionable, even polybranded….., I’m just pretty poly in all my preferences. I love having no restrictions on what I am allowed to choose from. The Universe is my multi-pearl bearing oyster, and I wish to enjoy as many of those pearls as is possible.
So. There you go.
If this is of any interest to you.
Good day to you.
I said good day!
[pictures completely unrelated to insight….other than being obvious evidence of said insight]
The world is our playground, laden with opportunities to experience pretty much whatever we want to experience.
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